Project Dawn
Project Dawn is a network of opioid overdose education and Naloxone distribution. As of June 2022 there are over 120 programs in Ohio that are registered. The purpose of the program is to serve as communication routes, prevent drug misuse and abuse, and collaboration on the topic.
Drug Addiction Hotline
Suicide Hotline
24 Hour Hotline Phone Number
On July 16, 2022 the change to the hotline phone number took place. This phone number is a step towards help that is more accessible and inclusive.
If you or someone you know is struggling with their mental health, share the new 988 number with them today.
Other Resources
- Gas Leak -
- Electrical Outage-
- Road Department-
Tornado Safety
With tornado season quickly approaching, May to July, tornado safety is important to review.
Ways to prepare for a tornado:
- Know the signs of a tornado
- Sign up for your local alerting systems
- Pay attention to weather reports
- Identify and practice going to a shelter
- Plan for a long-term stay or shelter in place. Be prepared and have emergency supplies.
Ways to stay safe during a tornado:
- Immediately go to a safe location that you have identified
- Continue to monitor your local weather updates
- Protect yourself by using objects to shelter yourself
- Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle
Ways to stay safe after a tornado:
- Stay away from downed or broken utility lines
- Wear appropriate gear during clean up
- If you are injured or sick, seek medical attention immediately
** All information included in this section is found on the FEMA website**